Immersive Learning

Benefits of Virtual Reality Financial Services Training

March 10, 2023
Written by:
Talespin Team

In today's fast-paced world of finance, it's more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. 

With VR training, you can upskill your workforce and improve customer experience, all while saving time and money. 

So let's dive into the specifics on what makes virtual reality financial services training a powerful solution.

Topics Covered in This Blog Post

  • Current Financial Services Industry Challenges
  • Virtual Reality Training for Financial Services Improves Customer Experiences
  • Build a More Agile Workforce With VR Financial Services Training
  • VR Training for Financial Services Reduces Employee Turnover
  • Save Money With Virtual Reality Financial Services Training 
  • Employees Learn Faster With VR Training  for Financial Services
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Reality Training for Financial Services

Related: Virtual Reality Financial Services Training Use Cases

Current Financial Services Industry Challenges

The financial services industry is constantly evolving and facing new challenges. From keeping up with regulations to meeting the ever-changing demands of customers to changes in the workforce and workplace, it's a field that requires flexibility and resiliency. 

Upskilling and Reskilling the Financial Services Workforce

One of the biggest challenges facing financial services companies is the need to reskill and up-skill their employees in order to stay competitive. With new technologies and processes being introduced, it can be difficult for employees to keep up and provide the level of service customers expect. 

The Need for Excellent Customer Experiences

Another challenge is the need to improve the customer experience. With so many options for financial services, customers are more likely to switch to a competitor if they're not happy with their current provider. That's why it's so important for financial services companies to invest in training that focuses on the customer experience. 

This can help employees become more engaged and effective, which in turn leads to happier customers and increased retention rates.

Employee Turnover

The financial services industry is also facing a high rate of employee turnover, which can be costly in terms of hiring and training expenses. This is where VR training can step in and help. 

By providing effective, consistent training, financial services companies can reduce employee turnover and improve organizational effectiveness. 

With those challenges in mind, let’s discuss the benefits of VR training for financial services and see how it could potentially solve some of these challenges.

Virtual Reality Training for Financial Services Improves Customer Experiences

Virtual Reality training for financial services has been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to enhance the customer experience. As the financial services industry continues to evolve and change, it's important for companies to stay ahead of the curve and find new and innovative ways to train their employees. The use of VR in training has been shown to have a positive impact on the customer experience. Here's how:

  • Consistent and Effective Training: By using VR, financial services companies can provide their employees with consistent and effective training that focuses on the customer experience. This type of training can help employees become more engaged and effective in their roles, leading to improved customer satisfaction. The immersive and interactive nature of VR allows employees to practice and develop skills in a simulated environment, which helps them better understand the customer's needs and perspectives.
  • Emphasis on Customer-Centricity: VR training can help financial services companies emphasize the importance of being customer-centric. By incorporating customer-centric scenarios into the training, employees can learn how to approach customer interactions with empathy, understanding, and a focus on meeting the customer's needs. This type of training can help employees better understand the customer's journey, and how to provide a positive and memorable experience.
  • Improved Communication Skills: Communication is key in any customer-facing role, and VR training can help employees develop and improve their communication skills. By participating in VR simulations, employees can practice active listening, effective communication, and conflict resolution skills. This type of training can help employees develop the confidence and skills needed to effectively communicate with customers and resolve any issues that may arise.

VR training can help financial services companies improve the customer experience by providing consistent and effective training that focuses on the customer experience, emphasizing the importance of being customer-centric, and improving communication skills. By incorporating VR into their training programs, financial services companies can help their employees become more engaged and effective in their roles, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Build a More Agile Workforce With VR Financial Services Training

Financial services organizations are facing a rapidly changing business landscape. From the increasing demand for digital services to the integration of new technologies and shifting regulatory requirements, financial services companies must continuously adapt to stay ahead. One solution to this challenge is to invest in virtual reality training for their employees.

One of the key benefits of virtual reality training for financial services is that it can help create a more agile workforce. In today's fast-paced business environment, financial services companies need employees who can quickly adapt to new processes, technologies, and regulations. With VR training, financial services organizations can quickly upskill and reskill their employees, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles.

Virtual reality training provides a unique and engaging way for employees to learn new skills and information. By using VR simulations, employees can immerse themselves in real-life scenarios and practice applying their new knowledge in a safe, controlled environment. This allows them to quickly master new concepts and retain information better, which can result in improved performance and efficiency.

In addition, virtual reality training allows employees to learn at their own pace, which is especially beneficial for employees with different learning styles. With VR training, employees can replay scenarios or pause the training to review and understand information better, which can result in better retention and understanding.

Moreover, VR training is also cost-effective and time-efficient. By using virtual simulations, financial services organizations can save on the costs associated with traditional training methods, such as travel, lodging, and instructor fees. VR training is also faster than traditional methods, which allows financial services companies to upskill and reskill their employees more quickly and efficiently.

Virtual reality training for financial services provides numerous benefits for financial services organizations. By investing in VR training, financial services companies can create a more agile workforce, equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today's fast-paced business environment. Whether you are looking to upskill and reskill your employees or simply improve the overall customer experience, virtual reality training is a smart investment that can help you reach your goals.

VR Training for Financial Services Reduces Employee Turnover

One of the most pressing challenges for financial services companies today is employee turnover. According to a recent study, in 2022 bank turnover at the non-officer level reached 23.4%, its highest level since 2019. This high turnover rate creates major problems for companies, from the costs of hiring and training new employees to the loss of institutional knowledge and experience. Fortunately, virtual reality training for financial services can help reduce employee turnover, making companies more effective, efficient, and profitable.

Virtual Reality Training Builds Employee Engagement

One of the main benefits of virtual reality training for financial services is that it engages employees in a way that other forms of training do not. By using virtual reality simulations, employees are able to immerse themselves in realistic, interactive scenarios that help them understand the company’s products, processes, and customer service approach. This immersion leads to greater engagement, motivation, and satisfaction, which in turn reduces employee turnover.

Virtual Reality Training Improves Employee Skill Sets

Another important benefit of virtual reality training for financial services is that it helps employees develop new skills and improve existing ones. Virtual reality simulations allow employees to practice complex procedures and tasks in a safe, controlled environment. This hands-on learning experience helps employees develop new skills more quickly and effectively, reducing the need for ongoing training and support. This upskilling and improvement of current employees can help financial services companies meet their strategic goals and needs, reducing the need for new hires and reducing turnover.

Virtual reality training for financial services can provide a number of benefits, including improved customer experience, a more agile workforce, and reduced employee turnover. By engaging employees in interactive, immersive simulations, virtual reality training can help employees develop new skills and build their confidence, leading to greater engagement, motivation, and satisfaction. This in turn reduces employee turnover, making companies more effective, efficient, and profitable. To start implementing virtual reality training in your financial services organization, partner with a virtual reality training provider and begin reaping the benefits today.

Save Money With Virtual Reality Financial Services Training 

Virtual Reality training is proving to be a game-changer for financial services companies looking to save money on training costs. With the increasing need to quickly upskill and onboard employees, financial services companies are looking for more cost-effective and efficient training solutions. And that’s where VR comes in. Here’s why virtual reality financial services training can help you save money.

Virtual Learning Modality 

One of the most significant cost-saving benefits of VR training is that it is a virtual learning modality. This means employees can learn from anywhere and at any time, eliminating the need for in-person training and the associated logistical costs such as travel and accommodation. In addition, companies can save money on renting physical training spaces or hiring trainers.

More Cost-Effective Than e-Learning and Classroom Learning 

VR training has been proven to be more cost-effective than e-learning and classroom learning. This is because VR learning is faster and employees retain information better when trained using VR, compared to other learning methods. This means that financial services companies can train employees in less time, which translates into lower training costs.

Reduces Hiring and Training Costs 

High employee turnover can be a significant challenge for financial services companies. In 2022, bank turnover at the non-officer level reached 23.4%—its highest level since 2019. By using VR training to reduce employee turnover, financial services companies can reduce the cost of hiring and training new employees. This leads to a more effective and efficient organizational structure, saving money in the long run.

Virtual reality training for financial services offers numerous benefits, including cost savings. By eliminating the need for in-person training, reducing employee turnover, and being more cost-effective than e-learning and classroom learning, VR training is an effective solution for financial services companies looking to save money. So, why not consider virtual reality financial services training for your next training program?

Employees Learn Faster With VR Training  for Financial Services

The financial services industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and processes being introduced on a regular basis. This requires financial services employees to be able to learn and adapt quickly, in order to keep pace with these changes. One of the benefits of virtual reality training for financial services is that it enables employees to learn faster and more efficiently than with traditional training methods.

Financial services companies face significant challenges when it comes to rapidly upskilling and onboarding new employees, or reskilling existing employees as job roles change. However, with VR training, employees can learn new skills and information up to four times faster than they would in a traditional classroom setting, and 1.5 times faster than with e-learning. This increase in learning speed can help financial services companies solve their talent development needs more quickly and efficiently.

Another key advantage of VR training for financial services is that it enables employees to learn in a more interactive and immersive way than with traditional methods. This leads to increased engagement, motivation, and retention of information, which in turn can lead to improved performance in the workplace.

VR training is a powerful tool for financial services companies looking to quickly and effectively upskill and reskill their workforce. With its ability to teach employees faster and more efficiently, while also providing a more interactive and engaging learning experience, it is no wonder that VR training is becoming increasingly popular in the financial services industry. So if you're looking to improve your employee's skills and keep pace with the ever-changing financial services industry, consider implementing VR training in your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions About Virtual Reality Training for Financial Services

How can VR be used in finance?

Virtual Reality technology can be used in finance for various purposes such as training, presentations, simulations, and market analysis. In training, VR allows for immersive and interactive learning experiences for financial services employees. It can simulate real-life scenarios, making it easier for employees to retain the information and apply it in their work. VR presentations can provide a unique and engaging way for financial services companies to showcase their products and services to potential clients. VR simulations can help financial analysts and traders to analyze market data and make better investment decisions. Overall, VR technology can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of various operations in the finance industry.

How much does it cost to create a VR training? Or Is VR training expensive?

The cost of creating a VR training program can vary based on the complexity and scope of the training. A basic VR training program may cost a few thousand dollars, while a more advanced and customized program may cost tens of thousands of dollars. It's worth noting that the cost of VR training can be more expensive compared to traditional training methods initially, but it can lead to cost savings in the long run by reducing employee turnover, improving employee performance, and reducing training costs. Additionally, VR technology is becoming more affordable, making it more accessible to organizations of all sizes. Overall, the cost of VR training can be considered an investment in the future of the organization and its employees.

What industries use VR training?

Virtual Reality training has applications in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Healthcare - VR is used to train medical professionals in a simulated environment to improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Manufacturing - VR is used to provide immersive training for industrial workers and enhance their skills and efficiency.
  • Retail - VR is used to train sales associates and customer service representatives, improving their customer engagement and satisfaction.
  • Military - VR is used to train military personnel in realistic simulations to improve their tactical and strategic decision-making skills.
  • Education - VR is used to provide interactive learning experiences and improve student engagement and retention.
  • Financial Services - VR is used to train financial services employees in customer service, risk management, and other critical skills to enhance their performance and reduce risks.
  • Construction and Architecture - VR is used to provide immersive training experiences for workers in the construction and architecture industries, improving their skills and efficiency on the job site.

These are just a few examples, and the list of industries that can benefit from VR training continues to grow as the technology becomes more widespread and accessible.

What are 3 disadvantages to VR training?

VR training, like any other technology, has its own set of limitations and challenges. Some common disadvantages include:

  • Requires an Initial Investment: Implementing VR training requires investment in hardware such as VR headset and learning content. While this investment has an initial cost, once implemented and deployed, VR training is proven to reduce costs in the long run. 
  • Content creation costs: VR training has historically been expensive in terms of creating content. No-code VR content authoring tools are changing this, lowering the barrier to entry for training and learning professionals.
  • VR training can be confusing at first: Figuring out what hardware and software are needed, and how to create learning programs takes an initial understanding and research phase. Luckily VR training is becoming more widely adopted, and great resources and case studies are available for learning how to adopt it.

How do I start my own virtual training?

Starting your own virtual reality training program can be accomplished by following these steps:

  1. Determine the training goals: Define what you want to achieve through VR training, whether it be upskilling employees, improving customer experience, or reducing turnover.
  2. Choose VR technology: There are various VR platforms and tools available in the market, such as the Meta Quest. Choose the one that fits your budget and training goals.
  3. Create content: Hire a team of experts or use a VR content creation service to develop interactive and engaging VR training modules. Make sure the content aligns with your training goals and covers all necessary information.
  4. Test the VR training: Before launching the VR training, conduct a test run to identify and resolve any technical issues.
  5. Launch the VR training: After testing and refinement, launch the VR training to the target learners and track its success using metrics like engagement, completion rates, and skills development.
  6. Continuously improve: Regularly evaluate the VR training program and make improvements based on feedback and performance metrics. Keep updating the VR training content to keep it current and relevant.

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